Flirt SMS

"I TRUST U" is a better compliment than "I LOVE U" because you may not always trust the person you love but u can always love the person you trust


4ever & ever i`l be by ur side, & if u r afraid of the world i`l help u to hide,bcuz.....1 thousand deaths i rather die....than ever see u hurt or cry..


If I hav a Heart Attack, then
that's all bcuz of u, cuz,
u r in my heart with anothor heart
that is ur heart,
which is striking my heart and say,
I LOVE U! (That's Seceret)


Meaning of rose colours...
Red 4 Love..
Yellow 4 Special Friend..
White 4 Peace..
Black 4 Hate & Darkness..
Pink 4 Likeness..
So Plz Choose One Roz Colour 4 Me!!!


When i was walking alone, i wish that i can reach the end of the road.......But when u walked with me i wish the road never ends.


These R Few Words Which Cum In My MIND,As I Think Of U!!


U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart, U may be out of my reach but not out of my mind. I may mean nothing to u but u will always be special to me!!


LOVE is Special
LOVE is Sweet
LOVE is what makes
Life complete
LOVE is giving
LOVE is Kind
LOVE is Joy
& Peace of Mind
Love is Laughter
Seldom Tears
Sharing Caring
Through the Year
LOVE is more than words Express
But mostly


 If somone ask me what is mean by love, I would sit next 2 u, pull
u close 2 me, put my arms around u and say proudly this s it.


Please My Cuty!!!Spell out ur ingredients bcoz I miked 100kgs of sugar,80 kgs of chocolate, 50 kgs of honey and I still cant make a sweetheart like u..


 I may be innocent to know what love is, I may not show it to you. I may not love you u the way it should be, but Im always willing to love u the way i understand it(((LOVE U ALWAYS)))


What is love? Those who don't like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don't have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it you.


When it RAINS.. U doNT c da sun.. BuT ITS THERE.. Hope we kan b LYK DAT ..
We doNT C EAch ada buT WE´l alwaYS B dER 4 EÄCH oDA


The smallest word is I, the sweetest word is Love and the dearest person in the world is you. thats why I Love You :)

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