General Decent SMS

Al da way al da best, may Allah gee bless yu al dat wat yu want, & whch iz best for yu” remember me in yurz hear & prayerz kep smiling


s:sets u free
makes u spacial
increase ur face value
lifts up ur spirits
erases all ur tensions


SenDinG U 100,00,000 SMILES, TaKe 1 fOr nOw & KEEP THE ReMaiNinG 99,99,999 UnDeR Ur PiLLOw, PiCk Out 1 EverY mOrninG BcOz i WanT 2 See U SmiLinG aLwaYz


Rose is Famous 4 Grace…
Advocate is Famous 4 his Case…
Horses r Famous 4 Race…
But u r Famous 4 Smile on Ur Face…!


Yo come & leave things behind!
See now what u have left?
You just came in my mind and left a smile on my face


The thing that weighs most heavily
“The thing that weighs most heavily
in the balance (of good deeds)
is a good attitude.”


The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself.” – Oscar Wilde

You may fall in love with the beauty of someone
But remember, finally you have to live with character, not beauty.


Silence is the fence around wisdom – If your foot slips, you can always regain your balance. But if your tongue slips, u can never regain your balance
"if you ever want something badly, let it go. if it comes back to you , then it’s yours forever. if it doesn’t, then it was never yours to begin with…."


Constant kindness
Can accomplish much
As the sun makes ice melt
Kindness causes
Mistrust and hostility
To evaporate


In a mirror
we find a reflection
of our appearances
in heart
we find a reflection of
our soul

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