Best Friend

Treat life as a sea, heart as a seashore and friends like waves.
It never matters how many waves are there?
What matters is which one touches the seashore


God is so wise that he never created FRIENDS with pricetags, Bcoz -- if he did. I can't afford a precious FRIEND like u.


Y ------ Y This is a bridge of friendship, when u r Sad & lonely, cross it. I'LL wait on de other side & if u r afraid just tell me i'll cross it 4 U.


Yaad aayo bhane aankha banda nagarnu,
Bhet bhayena bhane pani dukha namannu,
Hami Sadhai sangai basu parchha bhanne chhina, tara..
mitrata ko dhoka bhane kahile bahnda nagarnu.


Smile ever, udash never, speak ever, gumsum never share ever, chupana never! care ever bhulana never. Becoz hum tum frens forever!


A true friend is someone who reaches for ur hand and touches ur heart.


Flowers will die, the sun will set, but u r a friend, i won't 4get. Ur name is so precious, it'll nevr grow old, itz engraved in my heart wit letters of gold!


Our friendship has become our HABIT even if U take out H-ABIT remains.Take out A , still BIT remains ,Finally take out B,still IT remains....


How many space is in your hear for me? OPTIONS : 100% then u call me. 90% Write a poem and send. 80% send SMS. 50% Miss call. 0% no response.


When things go wrong…
When sadness fills ur heart…
when tears flow in ur eyes…
always remember 3 things
1) I’m with u…
2) Still with u…
3) Will ALWAYS b…


My Friendship is like an onion, which has many layers in it, it will add taste to your life,but if you try to cut it, you will have tears in your eyes!


With passing years, Friends must scatter; But when hearts are loyal, Distance does not matter....Thanx for always being there.


If i cud pull down the rainbow i wud write ur name & put it in the sky to let everybody know how colorful is my life with a frend like U !!


1 + 1=2 Eyes look at u, 3+3=6 senses i'm feelin , 12+12=24 hrs i'm thinkin abt u, 3+4=7 days in a week i;m missin u, 6+6=12 month i always need a fren like u.


Friendship is a promise made in da heart,
silent, unwriten, unbreakable by distance,
unchangable by time. It's lovely 2 have u as 1.

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