Friend Birthday SMS

God gave a gift 2
the world when u
were born-
a person who loves,
who cares,
who sees a persons
need and fills it,
who encourages and
lifts people up,
who spends energy
on others
rather than herself,
someone who touches
each life she enters,
and makes a difference
in the world,


because ripples of kindness flow outward
as each person u have


At ur birthday,
Im thinking
about how much
light and sparkle
u freely dizpense
wherever u go,
how ur sunny smile
lights up any gathering.
Every birthday marks another year
of u radiating positive,
happy energy,
contagious happiness
that infects all
who come in
contact with u.
May ur next birthday
find u the same–
glowing from within,
beaming bright
joy on everyone u meet.


Frndship iz about,
bringing out the
positive when
everything seems
negative…being accepted
4 who u are…being
able to pick up
right where u
left off…sharing,
talking, and laughing…
Friendship iz about us,
and 4 that Im grateful.
And I hope u have
the best
ever, friend


Step by step da
journey goes on,
Little by little it
may seem so long.
4get about ur past,
u cant change it,
4get about ur future,
u cant predict it.
Just think about present,
u can handle it.
Enjoy presents every
moment amp; be happy….
to U….!

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